
The Hookup Dilemma
The Hookup Dilemma Connie Gillam

Under Cover of Night
Under Cover of Night

Lakota Blood Moon
Lakota Moon Rising
2014 finalist in the International Digital Awards in the Suspense category

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authpr pic 3Books and music have always been my life. Some of my earliest memories were of walking to the library on my own at age seven or eight. (Those were the days when children weren't snatched off the streets.) I read every chance I got.

During the summer I had the dubious honor of babysitting the devil's pack (my two brothers and one sister). As soon as my mother returned from work, I would lose myself in a book, which transported me to the world of wealth, adventure and always happy endings. I was a little disappointed that Rhett didn't stay with Scarlett.

pic2I wrote my first book at age ten. It has yet to be published.

In a quest to find myself, I've worked as genetic counselor, health underwriter, bank proof operator, phlebotomist, real estate agent, and medical technologist. In the end, I've come back to the profession I've revisited most often, being a writer.

Music constantly flows through my mind as do the next scenes in my current manuscript. I'm now content.

My husband and I live in the Atlanta area with our three children and grandchildren close by.


Photos by Christy Gillam Photography
New top photo is by Studio6teen